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Hiking Mount Kobau

This hike has been on our list for a long time, 3 attempts to reach the trailhead were unsuccessful due to snowy road conditions and high altitude, but this day the planets finally aligned and we were finally able to conquer it! First I'm going to say that if you are reading this and planning to do this hike, your best window is going to be between mid may and mid October unless you have 4x4, winter tires and proper gear for winter hiking. To reach this hike you take highway 3 out of Osoyoos and continue west past Spotted lake, then take a right onto the Mt Kobau forest service road and you are on your way! This slightly rugged road winds up through the Okanagan grasslands protected area with many beautiful viewpoints along the way.

As you begin to climb the top portion of the road you begin to see the remnants of the fire that tore through the area in 2019.

This was the moment we started to get excited because this was the furthest we had ever made it up this road and we knew the trailhead wasn't far..... A few more turns and we landed at the clearly marked trail.

We chose the Kobau lookout with the thought that we could always do Chopaka Lookout after, however mother nature had other plans and after reaching the windy summit the snow began to fall and we opted to return for the Chopaka Lookout another day.

The trail is a moderate one, the first portion meanders through the grasslands, and past a small mountain lake before a steep but very quick climb to the summit.

Thank you for following us on our adventures!

Follow us on instagram for more pictures!


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